HSE Policy Statement
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HSE Policy Statement
Recently, the continuous process to analyses and study risk factors in the various activities involving the on-shore & off-shore construction, fabrication and drilling sectors, has allowed EQUITEL to introduce and implement prevention procedures (“prevention is better t h a n c u r e”) a n d a p p r o p r i a t e technologies/measures to reduce the accident rate of their operating activities.
It is the policy of EQUITEL to conduct its activities in such a way that the Health and Safety as well as the Security of its employees, sub-contractors and other persons who may be affected and property used for same activities, are safeguarded and proper regard is paid to the p r o t e c t i o n a n d c o n s e r v a t i o n o f t h e environment.
EQUITEL recognizes that the requirements for sound HSEs standards are inseparable from the goals of efficient and effective operations, required to achieve high quality performance. Therefore, HSEs issues are considered as an integral part of daily activities and will be managed with the same zeal and dedication as production and cost control.
EQUITEL will maintain existing HSE audits, inspections drills, awareness and other programs as continuous machinery for identifying and eliminating hazards, unsafe acts and conditions/practices at the workplaces as part of our corporate goal of improving HSE standards.
T h e Co m p a ny w i l l i d e n t i f y t r a i n i n g requirements for different categories of staff in HSE matters so as to enhance their awareness, and increase their effective participation and contributions as individuals
The company will support sub-contractors in achieving the same goal. The company believes that all accidents (injuries and damages) are preventable, and that safety is a good business. We will therefore, promote a c t i v e l y h i g h s t a n d a r d s o f s a f e t y consciousness and discipline.
Since human factor is one of the main causes of accident, EQUITEL has always been focusing significant resources on information and training activities for all its employees.
These activities help to maintain and increase awareness and professional skills about safety, thus limit the probability of any accident. All Safety Officers and Supervisors will adhere to the procedures for reporting unsafe acts, conditions and working practices It is the responsibility of all employees to report all unsafe conditions and working practices to the Safety De pa r t m e nt a nd t he i r i m m e di a t e supervisor without delay.
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